(1) 낙태에 관한 사실; (2) 낙태에 관한 천상 메시지; (3) 미국 생명의 행진

2019년01월17일 21시52분


+ 하늘과 땅의 창조주, 전능하신 하느님께 찬미! 

우리의 죄 특히 낙태 죄에 대한 보속을 위하여


(1) 낙태에 관한 사실






미국에서 얼마나 많은 낙태가 일어나는가?

·        모든 임신의 19%가 낙태됨 (유산 제외) 

·         2014년에 926,200 낙태 --  2011년 1,060,000명 낙태에 비하면 12% 감소

·         1973년의 로우 대 웨이드 낙태법 제정 이후 6천만명 이상 낙태 

여성은 왜 낙태를 하는가?

·         75% 는 아기가 직장, 학교 및 생활에 지장을 준다고 말함 

·         75% 는 어린이를 키울 형편이 되지 않는다고 말함 

·         50% 는 한부모 가정(결손 가정)이 되기를 원하지 않거나 배우자가 없음으로 인하여 

       문제가 되는 것을 원하지 않는다고 말함  

·         낙태한 여성 중 0.5% 이하가 낙태의 주된 원인이 강간 때문이었다고 말함

·        낙태한 여성 중 0.5% 이하가 근친상간에 의해 임신되었다고 말함



(2) 낙태에 관한 천상 메시지


낙태에 관하여 마리아 천주자비(7번째 예언자)에게 주어진 천상 메시지.

다니엘 서 10:20에 언급된 '진리의 책'에서 발췌.


178. 아버지 하느님: “낙태를 합법화하는 국가들에게 나의 손길이 강력히 떨어지리라.”

2011년 8월 29일 월요일 오전 12시 5분


나는 나의 아들 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 왔다. 나는 알파요 오메가이며, 지존하신 하느님이다.  세상의 나의 자녀들에게 이 메시지를 전해 주고 싶구나.


인간이 저지르는 죄 때문에 인류를 징벌하려는 나의 손길이 기도의 힘으로 말미암아 저지되고 있다. 만일 인간이 살인과 낙태 죄를 그만 두지 않으면, 나는 혹독한 징벌이 떨어지게 하리라. 내 자녀들아, 이미 너희는 지진, 홍수, 쓰나미와 다른 생태학적 혼란을 통해 나의 분노를 목격해 왔다. 너희가 너희 동료 인간에게 저지르는 죄에 대한 징벌을 너희가 피할 수는 없으므로, 애들아, 나는 너희를 징벌해야만 한다.


이 혐오스러운 짓거리를 눈감아주는 그런 국가들 위로 내 손이 힘 있게 들이닥칠 때 낙태죄는 징벌을 당하게 되리라. 나는 나의 무력한 창조물이 살해되는 것을 허용하지 않을 것이다. 만약에 너희 정부가 이 비겁한 관행을 묵인하는 법률을 계속 통과시키면, 너희는 살려달라고 자비를 베풀어 주십사 하고 구걸할 정도의 그러한 강력한 힘으로 나의 분노가 내려오는 것을 보게 되리라.


나는 살인을 더 이상 용납하지 않으리라. 너희는 중지될 것이며 곧 그렇게 되리라. 이 무력한 존재들의 영혼을 위해 기도하여라. 그리고 구원을 요청하여라. 생명에 대한 존경심을 갖지 않는 이교도들이 운영하는 너희 정부들이 그러한 법률들을 통과시키도록 허용하지 마라.


낙태를 합법화하는 죄를 저지른 나라들을 징벌하여 이 국가들을 쓸어버리리라. 너희 나라들은 산산조각이 날 것이며 바다 속으로 떨어져 버리리라. 그러한 짓을 하는 사악한 시술소와 병원들은 문을 닫게 될 것이며, 너희 가운데 죄가 있는 자들은 너희의 가증스러운 범죄 때문에 지옥불 속으로 던져지리라.


나는 지금 이 ‘경고’를 너희에게 주러 왔다. 낙태를 절대로 묵인하지 마라. 너희 나라에서 단호한 태도를 취하여, 이 범세계적 대학살이 지속되지 않게 투쟁하여라. 만일 너희의 정부가 나의 창조물들에 대한 공포 행위를 계속 자행한다면, 너희는 강력한 견책을 받게 되리라.


인류에게 주는 나의 지극히 긴급한 경고들 중의 하나인 이것에 지금 유의하여라. 너희가 나의 태어나지 않은 아기들의 생명을 앗아 버리면, 내가 너희의 생명을 앗아 가리라. 태초부터 주어진 가르침을 계속 무시하고 있으니, 애들아, 나의 모든 자녀들의 신앙을 위해 열심히 기도하여라.


성부 하느님


504.  많은 국가가 멸망하여 사라지는 것은 낙태죄 때문일 것이며,

이 죄 때문에 그들은 혹독하게 징벌당할 것이다.

2012년 7월 29일 주일 오후 8시 10분


지극히 사랑하는 딸아, 세상에서의 배교로 말미암아 하느님의 자녀들이 죄의 존재에 관해서 혼란스러워 하고 있다. 죄를 생각할 때, 많은 영혼들은 살인과 같은 가장 심각한 죄에 대해 즉시 생각한다. 죄는 많은 형태를 취한다. 슬프게도 요즈음 죄가 어떤 결함이나 속성 때문이라고 일축하여 단지 자연적인 결점으로 간주되고 있다. 그리하여 많은 이가 더 이상 죄의 존재를 인정하지 않는다.


낙태는 자신의 형제를 살인하는 것 다음으로 세상에서 최대 규모의 대량학살 유형이다. 그런데도 낙태가 용납되고 있으며 너희 나라에서 이를 필수 불가결한 것으로 간주하는 법을 도입하고 있다. 많은 국가가 멸망하여 사라지는 것은 낙태죄 때문일 것이며, 이 죄 때문에 그들은 혹독하게 징벌당할 것이다.


낙태는 비열한 행위이며 자신을 방어할 수 없는 하느님의 자녀들을 대대로 근절시킨다. 아무도 하느님의 자녀를 죽이고서 혹독한 징벌을 면하지 못하리라. 낙태를 합법화해 온 국가들은 대환난 동안 나의 아버지의 분노를 목격하게 되리라. 그 국가들은 완전히 소멸될 것이며, 그들이 하느님의 자녀들이 자궁에서 살해되는 것을 묵인할 때 이러한 대죄에 대해 자책감을 전혀 느끼지 않은 것처럼 그들에게는 어떠한 동정심도 베풀어 주지 않으리라. 


산모의 권리 보호를 위해 필요한 것인 양 교활하게 낙태를 무시하려고 시도하는 자들에게 내가 외친다. 하느님의 계명을 거역하는 낙태의 잔학행위를 눈가림하기 위하여 거짓말이 사용되고 있다. 이 죄에 대해 말하건대, 이렇게 끔찍한 행위에 어떤 식이든 기여하는 입법자, 의사 또는 사람은 그 누구라도 하느님께서 보시기에 죄가 있으며 다가올 징벌을 겪게 되리라.


사형집행을 용납하는 자들에게 말한다. 한 인간이 살해되도록 유죄 판결을 내리는 너희는 그 죄인과 동일하게 죄의 책임을 져야 할 것이다. 너희는 이 경우에 살인죄를 저지르며 살인은 대죄이다. 너희는 한 생명을 앗아가거나 그렇게 심판할 권리를 부여받지 않았다. 단지 예수 그리스도인 나만이 심판할 권리를 갖고 있다. 사형집행의 행위를 통해 살인자의 죽음에 기여하는 자는 누구든지 회개하지 않는 한, 영원토록 지옥 불에서 고통당할 것이다.


너희 중에서 그토록 많은 이가 ‘눈에는 눈’이란 법을 믿고 있다. 너희는 얼마나 잘못 인도되고 있는지! 너희는 내 아버지의 십계명을 받아들이지 않느냐? ‘너희는 살인하지 말라’ 라는 계명을? ‘너희는 살인하지 말라‘ 라는 계명은 통제할 목적으로 자기들 소유가 아닌 땅으로 행진하는 그런 공격적인 군대들에도 역시 적용된다. 그 계명은 무죄한 영혼들에게 총을 발사하여 죽이는 군대들에게 적용된다. 이 모든 것은 살인이다. 살인은 내 아버지의 계명에 어긋난다.


탐욕, 육욕, 타인에 대한 험담, 남의 것을 뺏기 위한 사기 행위, 복수와 중상 같은 다른 죄들은 모두가 또 다른 모든 죄로 이끈다. 오늘날 너희 세상에서 너희들이 가장 많이 사랑하는 것은 바로 너희 자신이므로 그러한 죄들이 수용되고 있다. 너희의 거짓 교사들에 의해 억지로 받아들이도록 강요되어 왔던 거짓말인 자기 충족은 너희들을 죄로 이끈다.


너희는 부에 대한 너희의 갈증이 충족될 수 있도록 살아가야 한다고 들었다. 너는 네가 너의 삶에서 가장 중요한 사람이므로 자신을 돌봐야만 한다고 들었다. 너는 너의 모든 감각을 충족시키기 위해 모든 것을 추구해야 한다. 다른 모든 이는 그 다음 문제다. 하지만, 이러한 것은 탐욕, 이기심, 육욕으로 이끌며, 그러고 나서 너희로 하여금 대죄를 저지르도록 유혹할 수도 있단다.


죄는 이제 예전과 달리 너희 국가들에 의해 용납될 것이다. 대죄를 합법화할 법률이 도입될 것이며, 너희 중에서 이에 반대하는 자들은 화를 입을 것이다. 그러한 사악함을 옹호할 사람들은 이 법들은 취약자를 보호하기 위한 것이라고 너희에게 말할 터인데, 실제로 그들이 하는 건 살인, 낙태, 동성결혼과 거짓 신의 우상숭배를 합법화하는 것 뿐이다.


그들은 불쌍한 자들에 대한 박해를 묵인하고 그들을 거리로 내쫓아 극빈자가 되게 할 것이다. 그들은 너희가 종교 생활을 하지 못하도록 강요하기 위하여 법률을 도입할 것이다. 종교를 실천함으로써 너희는 법을 어기게 될 것이며 이는 그들이 보기에는 죄가 되리라. 내가 이전에 말했듯이, 너희 세상은 비 진리로 가득 차서 선이 악으로 제시되고 악이 선으로 제시되고 있다. 너희 세상은 거꾸로 가고 있기에, 그로 인해 죄가 번성하고 있다.


돌아가서 십계명을 공부할 것을 너희에게 촉구한다. 십계명을 지키고 나의 아버지께서 기대하시는 대로 살아라. 십계명을 어기면 너희는 죄를 범하게 된다. 어떤 죄는 괜찮다고 주장하면 너희는 내 아버지의 말씀을 거역한다. 이 시대의 세상 사람들은 하느님의 계명에 좀처럼 순종하지 않는다. 하느님의 자녀들 중 많은 이가 성직자들에게서 죄의 결말에 대해 확고하게 들은 적이 없다. 죄를 용납하는 건 모든 것 중 가장 큰 죄이다.


죄의 용납은 거짓말의 왕인 사탄이 인류의 마음에 심어 놓은 교활한 거짓말이다. 죄의 용납은 사탄의 유혹에 굴복하는 인간의 약점에 어울리게 죄를 정당화하는 또 다른 방식이다. 정신을 차려 죄를 실체 그대로 받아들여라. 서로 논박하며 너희 모두가 원하는 대로 죄를 옹호한다 하더라도, 나의 아버지께서 보시기에 죄는 결코 용납되지 않으리라.


낙원에 들어가려면, 너희는 죄가 없어야 한다. 죄로부터 자유롭게 되려면, 너희는 회개해야 한다. 회개하기 위해서, 너희는 우선 십계명을 수용해야만 한다. 그러고 나서 참된 반성의 빛을 보여야 한다. 참된 반성은 내 앞에서 자신을 낮추는 자들만 할 수 있는 것이다. 그렇게 할 때만 죄를 용서받을 수 있다. 오직 그럴 때만 영혼들이 내 아버지의 왕국에 들어가기에 적합하다.


너희의 구세주

예수 그리스도     


Call to stop Murder/Abortion

Thursday, December 16th, 2010 @ 13:10


Write this, My daughter. Death, dealt out to innocent victims, is one of the greatest sins, which man can inflict on his brother. It is the most grievous sin of the flesh and causes Me deep pain. The lack of regard that mankind, today, has for human life is becoming increasingly evident in the world.


Life is a precious Gift from God. No man has the right to take the life of another. No man has the right to take the life of a child, still to take his first breath at the time of birth. This crime is heinous and unforgivable. All souls come from My Eternal Father and are created at the moment of conception. Little children, innocent souls, are being murdered by the very people sent to nurture them – their own mothers, who are responsible for their being denied the right to be born.


Why do My children stand back and do nothing? In the name of freedom these little angels from My Father’s Kingdom are being taken off this Earth, before the time assigned to them, as children of God, has taken place. Do these women not understand that the lives they place so little value on are those of God? These children are suffering. They endure agonizing pain during their murder, and it is justified by governments, the medical profession, and these women’s families. Have they no remorse in their souls?


Do they not realise that their heinous act is no different to that act when man murders man? In fact it is an even greater sin, as these children are helpless. These women must ask for mercy, if they are guilty. Or ask for guidance, from Me, if they are considering an abortion. Either way they will be judged by their sin. Sins of the flesh are the most offensive in My Father’s Eyes. No amount of justification for murdering another fellow being is acceptable by Me or My Eternal Father.


Wake up, now, My children and understand that the taking of life will lead the perpetrators into the eternal fires of Hell. There will be no return from this abyss, full of demons. Those same demons, who, through the work of the deceiver – Satan – convinces the murderer that what he or she is doing is right! He will cunningly convince mothers, for example, that they are making the “right decision.”


Using every trick associated with human reasoning, he will make the person justify the act, even though it is wrong. He will use the lie that the murderers have rights of their own. That they must look after their own interests, first. In the name of human rights, the lie is manifested, so that the rights of a mother and her freedom to live life, as she chooses, is to be admired. The lie then convinces her that it is right and correct to murder her child.


Please understand that the escalation of genocide in the world has been foretold. It is one of the many signs spoken of in relation to the end times. Stop all of you, now. Listen. Murder is a very serious offence. Do it and you will not be saved. There is no going back. Repent, those of you who have committed this terrible sin. Ask for forgiveness, now. I, through My Mercy, will hear your prayer. You can, and will be saved, if you are truly sorry for your grievous sin. I will listen. I will forgive. But time is not on your side.


Believers, pray hard for these lost and wandering children of Mine, who have been misled by the deceiver and his minions in positions of power. They need your prayers, now. You must, all of you, defend the right to human life, which cannot be tampered with by human hands, in any circumstances.


Pray to Me, every day. Offer any sufferings you may have, for the innocent victims.


Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ


The sin of abortion is a mortal one and those responsible will burn in the fires of Hell for eternity

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 @ 20:25


My dearly beloved daughter, this intervention by Me, the Lamb of God, by revealing to the world these Messages, has been foretold.


Those of you who follow the Word of God must be at peace, as I do not want you to distance yourself, for I love you. You must never fear My Love, even if sin separates you from Me. I open the eyes of all who want to see and My Holy Word will shut the eyes of those who refuse to accept My Hand. I hold out My Hand to you, My beloved children, so that I can pull you to safety, away from the vultures who wish to devour your souls.


Every day, from this day forward, you will hear many voices shouting – demanding that you listen. They will present you with diabolical lies and arguments, disguised with the sweetness of honey. Coaxing you, with a never-ending barrage of arguments, to hear their reasoning, in the name of humanitarian causes – which condone sin – they will not stop until you accept what they wish to force you to swallow.


Abortion, murder in the Eyes of God, will be forced upon all nations as a sign of defiance against the Almighty Father, God the Most High. When you condone this wicked abomination, you are guilty of terrible sin. The sin of abortion is a mortal one and those responsible will burn in the fires of Hell for eternity.


To those of you who refuse to accept this grave error, you have little time left to secure salvation. For when the great day comes, unless you have turned your back on this wicked act, you will never see the Face of God.


Murder is one of the most serious acts of defiance against God and it will be punishable by castration. The great divide, amongst the human race, has begun. Those who side with the beast and condone all that defies the Word of God will be separated from their brothers and sisters. Do not underestimate My Warning. Accept abortion and you accept the deliberate killing of a child of

God. If you cannot find remorse in your soul, then you will never see Me. I will cast you into the wilderness.


My Love and Mercy may be great. I will forgive the most blackened of souls, but without remorse, My Justice is final. My punishment is eternal. Love Me and I will cherish you. Destroy the life of another human being, created by the Love of My Father, and you too, will lose your life.


Your Jesus



God the Father: “My Hand will fall with force on nations who legalize abortion”

Monday, August 29th, 2011 @ 00:05


I come in the Name of My Son, Jesus Christ. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, God of the Most High. I wish to give My children the world over this Message.


My Hand is being withheld from punishing man for the sins he commits, through the power of prayer. I will cast down a severe chastisement if man does not turn away from the sin of murder and abortion. Already you, My children, have seen My Anger through earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other ecological turmoil. I must chastise you, children, for you cannot avoid punishment for your offences against your fellow man.


The sins of abortion will be punished when My Hand will fall with force on those nations, which condone this abomination. You will not be allowed to murder My helpless Creation and should your governments continue to pass laws condoning this cowardly practice, you will see My Anger descends with such force that you will beg for the Mercy of life. Yet, you never stop to think of taking the life of the unborn.


Murder will no longer be tolerated by Me. You will be stopped and soon. Pray for the souls of these helpless beings and ask for redemption. Do not accept such laws, passed by your governments, run by heathens, who have no respect for life.


My punishment on countries guilty of legalizing abortion will wipe out nations. Your countries will divide into little pieces and fall into the ocean. Your vile clinics and hospitals, where you carry out these practices, will close and you, the guilty among you, will be cast into the fires of Hell for your heinous crimes.


I come to give you this Warning now. Never condone abortion. Put your foot down in your countries and fight to prevent this global genocide from continuing. If your governments continue to inflict their act of horror on My Creation, you will be dealt a powerful reprimand.


Heed now this, one of My most urgent Warnings to the human race. Take the life of My unborn and I will take yours. Pray hard, children, for the faith of all My children as they continue to ignore the Teachings given to you since the beginning of time.


God the Father



Message for America: Embrace your brothers and sisters of all denominations

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 @ 15:30


My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to communicate with the American people. My Message to them is this. You, My precious children, suffer greatly in these times. You are experiencing a cleansing that is necessary in order to purify your souls.


The great sins in America, which torment Me, are the sins of abortion and immorality of the flesh. Many of My children are infested by the deceiver, who rules, hidden behind closed doors, your monetary and political systems. So many of you are oblivious to this fact. I now urge you to pray for the relief required from their devious plans to destroy your country.


Prayer, My children, will help mitigate the chastisement, which My Father will unleash in the world against the sin of abortion. Pray, pray and unite to pay homage to My Father. For by uniting together all religions, which honour the Father, God the Creator of the world, you can help your country. You must pray for forgiveness and trust that your prayers will be responded to according to My Father’s Divine timing.


Embrace your brothers and sisters of all religious denominations, who believe in God the Father and pray as one to redeem the sins of your country. My children, so vast is your country, that it is important that I can save as many souls as possible. I can do this only through conversion, which will happen during The Warning and through your prayers and devotion.


Turn to Me now, all of you. Do not discriminate against each other’s religions, just trust in God the Father and He will answer your prayers. You, My precious children, are lost. You have been shown so much confusion and presented with twisted truths about the Existence of God the Father. You use religion as a façade to wreak venom on those more unfortunate than you. It is time to accept the Truth that it will only be through your love of neighbour, that as a nation you can return into the Arms of your Creator, God the Father.


I love you with a tearing Compassion in My whole Being. I strive to save you, so you can be taken into the new and wonderful Era of Peace that awaits you on this Earth. To enter this New Paradise your souls must be free of sin. Pray for the graces to seek forgiveness for your own sins and the sins committed by your governments.


I leave you in peace and love.


Your beloved Saviour

Jesus Christ


It is the sin of abortion which will be the downfall of many nations and for this they will be punished severely.

Sunday, July 29th, 2012 @ 20:10


My dearly beloved daughter the apostasy in the world has God’s children confused about the existence of sin. Many souls, when they think of Sin, instantly think of the most grevious of sins such as murder. Sin takes many forms. Sadly because sin has been dismissed as faults or traits it is now deemed to be simply a natural weakness. Many no longer believe in sin.


Abortion, after murder of one’s brother, is the greatest form of genocide in the world. Yet it is not only tolerated but laws are brought in by your nations which deem it a necessity. It is the sin of abortion which will be the downfall of many nations and for this they will be punished severely. Abortion is a despicable act and it wipes out generations of God’s children who cannot defend themselves.


No one will kill a child of God and avoid severe punishment. The anger of My Father will be witnessed by those nations, who have legalised abortion, during the Chastisement. They will be wiped out and no compassion shown to them just as they showed no remorse for this mortal sin when they condoned the killing of God’s children in the womb.


I call out to those who cunningly try to dismiss abortion as something which is needed to protect the rights of a mother. Lies are used to camouflage the atrocity of abortion which defies the Law of God. For this sin, any lawmaker, doctor or any person who contributes in any way to this abominable act, is guilty in the eyes of God and will suffer the punishment which lies ahead.


To those who condone execution I say this. You, who condemn a man to be killed, are guilty of the same crime he may be guilty of. You are guilty of murder in this instance and it is a mortal sin. You have not been given the right to take a life. Or to judge. Only I, Jesus Christ, have the right to judge.


Anyone who contributes to the death of a murderer, through the act of execution will suffer in the fire of Hell for eternity, unless they repent. So many of you believe in the law, an eye for an eye. How misguided you are. Do you not accept My Father’s Commandments? Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not kill also applies to those aggressive armies who march into lands which do not belong to them, in order to control. It applies to armies who shoot and kill innocent souls. All of this is murder. It is against the law of My Father.


Other sins such as greed, lust, speaking ill of others, cheating people out of what is rightfully theirs, revenge and slander all lead to all other sins. They become acceptable in your world today because your greatest love is for yourselves.


The lie, which you have been forced to swallow by your false teachers, self-gratification, is your path to sin. You are told that you must spend your time satisfying your hunger for wealth. You are told that you must look after yourself – that you are the most important person in your life. You must seek out everything to satisfy all your senses. Everyone else comes second. This leads to greed, selfishness, lust and then you can be enticed to commit mortal sin.


Sin will now be accepted by your nations like never before. Laws will be introduced which will legalise mortal sin and woe to those of you who object. Those who will advocate such wickedness will tell you that these laws are to protect the vulnerable when, in fact, all they do is to legalise murder, abortion, same-sex marriage and the idolatry of false gods. They will condone the persecution of the poor and cast them out onto the streets to make paupers out of them. They will bring in laws to force you to stop practising your religion. By doing so you will be breaking the law – a sin in their eyes. As I told you before your world is so full of untruths that good is presented as evil and evil presented as good. Your world is back to front and, as a result, sin flourishes.


I urge you to go back and study the Ten Commandments. Obey them and live as you are expected to in the eyes of My Father. Break the Commandments and you sin. Argue that certain sins are okay and you defy My Father. Obedience to the Laws of God is weak and fragile in the world at this time. Many of God’s children have not been told firmly, by My sacred servants, of the consequences of sin.


Tolerance of sin is the greatest sin of all. Tolerance is a cunning lie planted in the minds of humanity by the king of lies, Satan. Tolerance is another way of justifying sin to suit man’s weakness for succumbing to the temptation of Satan.


Wake up and accept sin for what it is. Argue amongst each other and defend sin all you like but it will never be acceptable in the eyes of My Father. To enter Paradise you must be free from sin. To become free from sin you must repent. To repent you must first of all accept the Ten Commandments. Then you must show true remorse. True remorse can only be felt by those who humble themselves before Me. Only then can sin be forgiven. Only then are souls fit to enter My Father’s Kingdom.


Your Saviour

Jesus Christ



(3) 생명 대행진 [2019.1.18 금요일]




January 18, 2019

10:00 a.m. – 11 a.m. The Ben Shapiro Show live recording
11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Musical opening with Sidewalk Prophets
12:00 p.m. Rally Program
1:00 p.m. March up Constitution Avenue to Supreme Court and Capitol Building
3:00 p.m. After finishing marching:

·         Silent No More testimonies outside U.S. Supreme Court.

·         Advocate for life to your Representative or Senators.

·         Visit the March for Life Expo.


The March for Life Rally, beginning with the Sidewalk Prophets Musical opening at 11:00 a.m., will be live streamed on the March for Life Facebook page.


The March for Life Rally will take place at noon at 12th St. on the National Mall, in between Madison Drive and Jefferson Drive. Following the Rally, the March will begin on Constitution Avenue between 12th and 14th Streets at approximately 1:00 pm.





We have marched for life every year since 1974; we will not let rain, snow, or a government shutdown stop us. Abortion is the greatest human rights abuse of our day and we will keep marching until it is unthinkable.





         연도별 낙태 제한 증가 (미국)  



2019년 1월 18일에 미국 수도 와싱턴에서 열릴 생명 대행진(낙태가 합법화된 1973.1.22 이후 1974.1.22 부터 매년 1월 22일경에 비가 오나 눈이 오나 개최)으로 인해 낙태를 고려하거나 지원하는 많은 이들의 마음을 변경할 수 있기를 기도합니다. 행진에 육적 또는 영적으로 참여 바랍니다. 

길이요 진리요 생명이신 예수님과 구원의 어머니 동정 마리아의 하나된 성심 안에서 

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