<8 월의 기도 초대>

2016년07월27일 17시38분

가) 8월 첫째주와 셋째주의 금~일요일에 아래의 지향으로 하느님께 묵주기도를 함께 바칩시다.


남은 군대, 베네딕토 교황, 그리고 마리아 천주자비를 위하여


또한 모든 성직자들과 수도자들을 위해 기도합니다.



나) 8월 7일


온세상의 남은 군대가 모두 일치하여 8월 7일에 아래의 지향으로 정해진 십자군기도를 바칩시다.


지향: 영혼들의 구원을 위하여


십자군기도:  96 - 7,13, 17, 19, 35, 37, 41, 58, 64, 65, 67, 73, 80, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112, 117, 118, 127, 128, 130, 147,150, 157, 169 - 96.


(이 선교사업의 보호를 위한 132 와 155,그리고 모든 호칭기도를 가능한 포함하기 바랍니다.)


기도에 동참해 주셔서 감사합니다.


Thank you. May God bless you.





+ 찬미 예수님!
For your potential interest.
(1) 아침 미사중 신부님 피살



Inline image 1


ISIS attackers forced French priest to kneel before he was murdered, hostage says


Two men shot dead after killing priest in church at Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, near Rouen, Normandy 

See Videos 

비데오:  프랑스 노르망디에서 자케스 하멜 신부님께서 아침 미사중 ISIS 테러분자들에 의해 제단에서 피살. 





Terroist attack during morning mass in France



The Rev. Jacques Hamel, 86, was stabbed in the chest and had his throat slit.




(2) 사탄적 블랙미사: 8.15
 Satan has reared his ugly head once again in the heartland of Oklahoma.
     A satanic black mass is scheduled for August 15 which as you know is the day we celebrate the Glorious Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. 
     …this is no coincidence. 
     It is a real affront, a real act of persecution against Mary and all Catholics. 
(3) 포르치운쿨라 전대사: 8.2
Inline image 3 Inline image 4

Portiuncula Chapel of St. Francis

The first written document we have regarding this indulgence is dated October 31, 1277, some sixty years after the indulgence is said to have been granted. As a result, many different accounts have come down to us purporting to relatethe vision of St. Francis and the way in which the Pope consented to grant this indulgence...

One time when Francis was kneeling in prayer before the image of Our Lady, he seemed to behold men and women from every corner of the world converging upon this obscure little chapel in the Umbrian forest. He had been praying for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind when suddenly the dark interior seemed illumined by the light of a million candles. Jesus and Mary appeared in the midst of a dazzling cloud of angels, and he heard a voice that fell like music on his soul, "What do you wish me to do to help poor sinners?" Francis hardly knew how to answer, but suddenly the words came tumbling out and he asked the Lord to grant a full pardon to all who came to visit the church of Portiuncula and made a good confession. It then seemed that Jesus was in favor of this. He turned smilingly to His Mother and she, in turn, nodded to St. Francis and smiled.

Typical of the saint's impetuosity and generosity of soul, he marched off to see the Pope and beg from him the coveted indulgence. The reigning Holy Father, Honorius III, was literally dumbfounded at the request to grant such a generousindulgence. At that time, the summer of 1216, plenary indulgences were rarely granted by the Church...

 It is said that Francis chose this date because the feast of the Chains of St. Peter (his release from prison) is celebrated on the first of August, and Francis felt that sinners should also be freed from the chains of their sins on the day following this great feast. Furthermore, this date was the anniversary of the consecration of the Portiuncula chapel...
This chapel was the saint's favorite spot on earth. It was here he heard the Gospel that caused him to establish his First Order, following the command of Christ to go into the world and preach and baptize all men, taking neither gold nor script nor an extra cloak for the journey. Here Francis received his first Brothers, and from here he sent them into the world. In this chapel, St. Clare knelt before the image of Our Lady of the Angels, and on the floor her golden tresses fell beneath the scissors plied by Francis himself. Indeed, Francis placed such a high value on this chapel, which he had rebuilt with his own hands, that he wrote a special rule just for "Portiuncula."

82 : 포르치운쿨라 전대사 받는 


(포르치운쿨라의 천사들의 복되신 동정 마리아 축일)


1. 포르치운쿨라의 전대사

 프란치스코는 교황 호노리오3세에게서  성당에 포르치운쿨라 전대사를 얻었다고 한다그리고 여러 교황들께서 다른 많은 교회에  전대사를 확대하였다.



형제인 죽음을 맞이한 곳이다. 1226 103  프란치스코가 형제인 죽음을 맞이한 곳이다말년의 성인은 심한 고행과 오상으로 인해 쇠약해져 거의 걸을 수가 없었다.



자신의 죽음울 임박했음을 깨달은 성인은 자신이 사랑하는 아씨시 읍을 축복했고 마지막 시각엔 알몸으로 맨땅에 눕혀달라고 했다그리고 나서 "형제인 죽음이여너를 환영한다" 말하고서 안젤로 형제와 레오 형제더러 형제인 죽음을노래불러 달라고 명했다



 프란치스코는 마지막으로 다윗의 시편을 노래하고 자신에게 재를 뿌리라고 하고서그가 가장 사랑했던 장소에서 형제인 죽음을 맞이하였다.






2. 포르치운쿨라라 불리우는 천사의  마리아 소성당 아씨시 읍에서 4km 떨어진 곳에 있는 천주의 동정 모친께헌납된 낡은 소성당이었다프란치스코 성인은 지극히 복되신 동정녀께 특별한 사랑을 가지고 있었으며세상의 어느 곳보다  곳을 사랑하셨다.



성인께서 형제회를 설립하시고 발전시키신 곳이 바로 이성당이기 때문이다그리고  많은 초기 형제들이 복음 선교를떠나기 전에  성당에서 영신적인 준비를 하였으며 돌아와서는  조그만 성당을 보는 것을  기쁨으로 여겼을 정도로 곳은 작은 형제들의 정신적인 지주가 되는 곳이었다.



 비오 5세는 프란치스코회의 정신적 지주가 되는 작은 성당을 보존하기 위하여  성당을 덧씌워서 짓도록 명령하였고 비오 10세는  천사들의  마리아 성당을 모든 프란치스칸 성당의  성당으로 선포하고대성당과 교황 기도소의 명예를 부여하였다그래서 세라핌 가족들은  성전의 축성일을 경축하며 천사들의  마리아를 기린다.


이곳 포르치운쿨라 소성당은  프란치스코가 하늘의 감도로써 작은 형제회를 창립한 곳이며 1212 3 18 성글라라 수도회가 축복된 기원을 가지고 있다.






3. 복되신 동정 마리아께 드리신 인사 









   1) 거룩한 부인이요 여왕이시여,



      하느님의 성전이 되신 동정녀여,



      하느님의 어머니이신 마리아여,






  2) 하늘에 계신 지극히 거룩하신 아버지께서



      당신을 간택하시어,



      그분의 지극히 거룩하시며 사랑하시는 아드님과



      협조자이신 성령과 함께



      당신을 축성하셨나이다.



  3) 당신은 온갖 은총과 온갖 선이 가득하셨으며



      지금도 가득하시나이다.



  4) 천주의 궁전이시여기뻐하소서.



      천주의 장막이시여기뻐하소서.



      천주의 집이시여기뻐하소서.



  5) 천주의 의복이시여기뻐하소서.



      천주의 여종이시여기뻐하소서.



      천주의 어머니시여기뻐하소서.



  6) 그리고 거룩한 모든 덕행들이여,



      당신들도 기뻐하소서.



      성령께서 당신의 은총과 비추심으로



      당신들을 믿는 이의 마음에 부어 주시어



      당신들로 인해 불충한 이가 하느님께 충실한  되게 하리이다.






  4. 태양의노래






   1) 지극히 높으시고 전능하시고 자비하신 주여!



      찬미와 영광과 칭송과 온갖 좋은 것이 당신의 것이옵고,



   2) 호올로 당신께만 드려져야 마땅하오니 지존이시여!



      사람은 누구도 당신 이름을 부르기조차 부당하여이다.



   3)  주여당신의 모든 피조물  중에도,



      언니 해님에게서 찬미를 받으사이다.



      그로  낮이 되고 그로써 당신이 우리를 비추시는,



   4)  아름다운  장엄한 광채에 번쩍거리며,



      당신의 보람을 지니나이다지존이시여!



   5) 누나 달이며 별들의 찬미를  주여 받으소서.



       맑고 절묘하고 어여쁜 저들을 하늘에 마련하셨음이니이다.



   6) 언니 바람과 공기와 구름과 개인 날씨그리고



      사시사철의 찬미를  주여 받으소서.



      당신이 만드신 모든 것을 저들로써 기르심이니이다.



   7) 쓰임 많고 겸손하고 값지고도 조촐한 누나



      물에게서  주여 찬미를 받으시옵소서.



   8) 아리고 재롱되고 힘세고 용감한 언니 불의 찬미함을



       주여 받으옵소서.



      그로써 당신은 밤을 밝혀 주시나이다.



   9)  주여누나요 우리 어미인 땅의 찬미 받으소서.



      그는 우리를 싣고 다스리며 울긋불긋 꽃들과



      풀들과 모든 가지 과일을 낳아 줍니다.



   10) 당신 사랑 까닭에 남을 용서해 주며약함과 괴로움을 견디어 내는



      그들에게서  주여 찬양받으사이다.



   11) 평화로이 참는 자들이 복되오리니,



      지존이시여당신께 면류관을 받으리로소이다.



   12)  주여목숨 있는 어느 사람도 벗어나지 못하는



      육체의 우리 죽음 누나의 찬미 받으소서.



   13) 죽을  짓고 죽는 저들에게 앙화인지고,



      복되다당신의 짝없이 거룩한  좇아 죽는 자들이여!



       번째 죽음이 저들을 해치지 못하리로소이다.



   14)  주를 기려 높이 찬양하고 그에게 감사드릴지어다.



      한껏 겸손을 다하여 그를 섬길지어다.









(4) 영혼구원의 달과 기도 초대
Inline image 2

145. 2011년 8월--영혼 구원의 달

2011년 7월 23일 토요일 오후 5시 30분


...  세상에서 아주 많은 이들이 나의 소중한 군대를 형성하고 있다. 그들은 기도와 개인적 고통 그리고 나의 말씀의 전파를 통해서 영혼들을 구하리라. 나의 군대가 영혼들을 구하는데 있어서 강력하게 활동하면 할수록, 대징벌의 영향력이 그만큼 경감되리라. 나는 나의 모든 자녀들에게 대경고를 견뎌내지 못할, 길 잃은 영혼들을 위하여 매일 하느님 자비심의 기도를 바치며 8월 달을 보낼 것을 요청한다. 그리고 매일 미사와 나의 지극히 고귀한 성체를 모시고, 또한 일주일에 하루씩 단식할 것을 요청한다.


너희 가운데 충분히 많은 이들이 내가 '영혼 구원의 달'로 부르는 이 8월에 그렇게 한다면, 온 세상에 걸쳐서 수백만의 영혼들이 구원받으리라. 자녀들아, 나를 위해서 그렇게 해다오. 그리하면 너희는 나의 영광스러운 왕국의 일원이 되리라. 너희의 영혼은 죽을 때에 나와 낙원에서 만나게 되리라. 내가 이것을 지극히 엄숙하게 약속해 주마.


자녀들아, 나는 너희를 사랑한다. 어서 가서 세상에서 가장 강력한 군대인, 사랑의 군대, 구원의 군대를 이루어라.


너희의 사랑하는 구원자

인류의 구속주

예수 그리스도


 July 23 2011, Saturday

I ask all My children to spend the month of August praying the Divine Mercy daily for the lost souls who will not survive The WarningOne day of fasting a week is also required, as well as, daily Mass and the receiving of My Most Holy Eucharist. If enough of you do this, in which I call The Salvation of Souls Month, then millions of souls will be saved throughout the world. Do this for Me, children, and you will become part of My Glorious Kingdom. Your souls, at the point of death, will join Me in Paradise. That is My most solemn promise. I love you, children. Now go and form the most powerful army in the world, the Army of Love, the Army of Salvation.





2nd -4th of August

Triduum of preparation for the birthday of the Virgin Mary


5th of August

Birthday of the Virgin Mary


7 of August

Monthly day of Prayer


August 5th - 7th  &  19th-21th

3 days of Prayer


15 August

Assumption of the Virgin Mary


Litany Prayer 4  - To mitigate punishment by God the Father

O God the Most High, we beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children. We thank You for the Gift of the Earth. We thank You for the Gift of human life.

We treasure the Gift of life. We uphold the Gift of life. We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

We thank You for the Gift of Redemption. We praise Your Divinity.

We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on Earth, as it is in Heaven. 

We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience. We thank You for the Promise of Eternal Life. We welcome the New Paradise.

We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.

We thank You for the Love you show all Your children. We thank You for the Gift of prophecy. We thank You for the Gift of prayer.

We ask You to grant us peace and Salvation. Amen. 


Litany Prayer 5  - For the Salvation of those in mortal sin

Jesus, save all sinners from the fires of Hell.

Forgive blackened souls.

Help them to see You.

Lift them out of darkness.

Open their eyes.

Open their hearts.

Show them the Truth.

Save them.

Help them to listen.

Rid them of pride, lust and envy.

Protect them from evil. 

Hear their pleas for help.

Grasp their hands.

Pull them towards You.

Save them from the deception of Satan. Amen.

(5) 성부님께 바치는 9일기도: 7.29 부터
8월 첫 주일(즉 8월 7일)은 성부 하느님의 축일입니다. (아래 루이사 피카레타 웹사이트 등 참조)
한글 및 영어 9일기도문은 첨부를 참조하세요. 7월 29일부터 시작합니다. 


아버지 하느님께 드리는 9일 간의 기도



(알라너스 천사의 지시, 2007 7 30 – 84



The first Sunday of August, i.e., 7th, is the feast day of God the Father. A novena in preparation for this feast starts on July 29th, Friday. 
Recite July 29, 2016 – August 6, 2016


